Railroad uniforms documentary series
A 30-page dossier on the uniforms worn by railwaymen at various times.
Includes historical information with colour photographs of some of the uniforms and contemporary black and white photographs, reprints of relevant current uniform regulations, illustrations of all service rank insignia, including their changes in colour.
Order directly from the author Hartmut Schöttge by e-mail: schoettge@t-online.de
country: 1
Royal Houses - Kingdom of SAXONY
Royal Houses - Kingdom of PRUSSIA
country: 2
1871 - 1918 - German Empire
1918 - 1933 - Weimar Republic
1933 - 1945 - Third Reich
1945 - 20.. - post-war period / West Germany
field of interest:
Transportation - Railways
for exchange or sale
available items: 1
price / exchange value: 10.00 €