
After many years of painstaking work, I offer you access to the button catalogue, which attempts to cover all the buttons in the world. I hope that everyone realizes that this work is not a quick project and may take many years to complete. We are working on expanding the database practically every day.

Three catalogue modules are planned:

  1. a flexible catalogue that can be selected from the search panel is already active!
  2. a section of the subject catalogues, which covers the individual areas more comprehensively, is under construction.
  3. a database of button manufacturers is also under construction

The catalogue is not limited to buttons, but also shows contemporary photos, uniform pictures and other historical artefacts related to buttons, of course with a list of sources.

To make the wealth of information more accessible to the layman and to speed up the search, there is also the option to search by button motif, which allows you to quickly narrow down the search set.
With the large number of visitors per month, it is not always possible to answer incoming correspondence, but I can promise that I will try to answer emails from registered visitors.

Access to the catalogue will be free of charge, but only for users who want to actively participate in its creation.

In order to be active, a high level of expertise is not necessarily expected, as every justified reference to e.g. factual errors found will be appreciated, which are unfortunately unavoidable with this mass of information. With every picture of buttons/uniforms/badges/photos* that is added to the database, with every new button company variant, with every piece of information that is based on sources, the usage rights period will automatically be extended by 1-2 weeks. If you stay active, you will be rewarded.
Of course, those who have already helped to set up the database will also be taken into account.

For all others who do not want to or cannot be active, I have decided to charge a token annual fee for the catalogue section.

In this way, passive visitors who want to make unhindered use of the knowledge collected on the website can also support our work (annual fee 22 euros / one month 12 euros).

* The sender is responsible for each picture, so please do not send random pictures from the Internet, because I do not want to be prosecuted for copyright. Only your own pictures are accepted.

© Please note that all images and text on the website, including borrowed images, are protected by copyright and may only be edited, processed or otherwise used with express written permission.


The procedure:

  1. after registration, the payment details are sent to the e-mail address provided.
  2. the account is automatically activated after receipt of the contribution.

The annual fee is 22 euros. Alternatively, access for one month is also possible and costs 12 euros.

The initial contribution is necessary to gain access to the database and then to be able to use the database free of charge and follow the expansion if you are active.

The access data is personalised and may not be passed on. Misuse can lead to the account being blocked.

Note on the requirements regarding image quality:

  • the pictures should be taken from the front. Please do not send pictures taken from the side!
  • it is always recommended to sink the eyelet into a hole to avoid shadows and lateral position.
  • please use a neutral, light-coloured background without structure.
  • the button should be correctly aligned (centred). If an image has to be rotated afterwards, this is always associated with a loss of quality.
  • good lighting or daylight is always an advantage.
  • no image editing please!
  • of course I need pictures from both sides (front and back)!